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Showing posts from March, 2014

Cute Animals and their Personalities... :p

Creative Food Display technique

Ironic Misunderstanding

Misunderstood By:  Satanists, heavy metal bands. Modern Satanism walks the narrow line  right  from  a lot more chains, hair dye and self-mutilation. Generally intended as a giant middle-finger to Christianity, Satanists deliberately adorn themselves with symbols that they think will inspire random people to try to give them a stern talking to. (Also known as Attention Seekers) One of the most popular Satanist symbols is the  upside down cross , the reasoning behind which seems obvious enough. With the possible exception of that pentagram thing with the goat's head inside it, the inverted cross is the most immediately recognizable symbol of defiance against Christianity. It's certainly the easiest to tattoo. Whoa, wait a second... If those Satanists had paid attention in Sunday school, they would probably realize that the inverted cross is actually the personal trademark of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and one of the most revered figures in C...