The retail market in the country is expected to be worth over Rs 18,10,000 crore by 2010. And organised retail is likely to exceed Rs 2,30,000 crore (at constant prices), at about 13% of the pie, according to India Retail Report (2009 edition).RS Roy, editorial director, India Retail Report 2009 said, “Our research estimates the Indian retail market in 2007 at Rs 13,30,000 crore, growing annually at 10.8%. The share of organised Retail in 2007 was estimated to be only 5.9%, or Rs 78,300 crore. Modern retail witnessed a growth rate of 42.4% in 2007 and we envisage it to maintain a faster growth rate over the next three years. Increase in consumer spending is and will push the economy into a growth-and-liberalisation mode.”In the overall retail pie, food and grocery was the dominant category with 59.5% share, valued at Rs 7,92,000 crore, followed by clothing and accessories with a 9.9% share at Rs 1,31,300 crore. Interestingly, out-of-home food (catering) services (Rs 71,300 crore) has o...